Here I am vacuuming all the spiders, webs, and spider egg things...
Next to go was the hood. A lot easier to work in the engine without it. As you can see, the previous owner(s) tore into it a bit in trying to see how difficult it would be to fix the ICE...
Makes my job easier, I suppose. :)
We then removed the battery, battery bracket and radiator...
Then we removed the starter motor and solenoid...
To remove the radiator coolant reservoir, we took off a panel in the front driver side...
We also drained most of the oil ...
Unfortunately, aside from getting the trans-axle bolts off, we didn't get much farther in getting them off altogether but in order to get that far we had to head down to AutoZone and loan a 24" breaker bar and a 32mm socket.
We did, however, succeed in creating a "cheat rod" that inevitably bent in trying to pull off the exhaust. At this point, it was getting dark and time to call it a day. Not as much progress as we would've liked, but there's still Sunday and Monday to go!
May need to buy a tool to cut off the exhaust ... but I have a pretty tight budget in the short-term for this project. :)
I highly recommend a SawzAll (reciprocating saw) and a Milwaukee brand "The Torch" cutting blade. The exhaust system will be off in 2 minutes flat. I promise.
Might want to consider renting tool(s) could save some $$ and grief, especially for one-time jobs.
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