Tuesday, August 26, 2008

'96 Ford Probe has found a new home

This blog will document mine and my Dad's conversion to all-electric with a 1996 Ford Probe GT 5-speed manual transmission car. :)

Here's a shot of the car before I picked it up. For some odd reason, the hood was left propped open, even though it shuts fine. I got a great deal for it, all things considered.

Well, like many/most DIY EV's, it needed a name. For now, we're calling it "Penny" as in "it takes but pennies to run."

I estimate this project will probably take at least 6 months, part-time, to do. It's really awesome that I get to spend this time working alongside my Dad, who has plenty of experience tearing engines out of (and putting engines back in) cars. :)

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